Coronavirus Update Worldmeter coronavirus coronavirus Disease

 You may be at higher risk of coronavirus if you have these blood types

People with certain blood types may have a reduced risk of contracting coronavirus and even with the infection, be less vulnerable to experiencing severe symptoms, new studies have shown.

According to two studies published in "Blood Advances" — a peer-reviewed, online-only, open-access journal of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) — there's some evidence that there could also be a link between blood group and vulnerability to COVID-19. The findings of the 2 studies are outlined below: Fewer coronavirus patients with blood group OA retrospective study of people tested for coronavirus showed that blood group O "may offer some protection against COVID-19 infection".When researchers parsed through data from the Danish health registry of quite 473,000 people tested for COVID-19 and compared it to an impact group of over 2.2. million people from the overall populace, they found that among COVID-positive patients, there have been fewer with blood group O and more with blood types A, B, and AB. This lends credence to the very fact that folks with blood group A, B, and AB, could also be more in danger of getting infected than those with blood group O.Between the blood types A, B, and AB, no significant difference in rates of infection was found. Severe symptoms for people with blood types A, ABA separate retrospective study showed that blood groups A and AB "appear to exhibit greater COVID-19 disease severity than people with blood groups O or B".Researchers checked out data from 95 critically ill and hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Vancouver, Canada. it had been found that those with blood types A or AB "were more likely to need mechanical ventilation, suggesting that they had greater rates of lung injury from COVID-19".It was also found that more patients with groups A and AB needed dialysis for renal failure . What does this mean? the 2 studies together show that blood groups A and AB are particularly in danger of organ failure thanks to COVID-19 as compared to blood types O and B. Also, people with and AB didn't require a extended duration of hospitalization but did remain within the medical care unit (

for extended on the average , compared to people with or B, indicating a more severe sort of COVID-19.
