Developed the world's first antiseptic smartphone


Developed the world's first antiseptic smartphone

Germs stay on smartphones for long periods of time due to being in permanent hands, which can easily make anyone sick - but now a British company has claimed to have created a smartphone that kills the germs on it. Must do

This new model of a smartphone called CAT S42 has been developed under the Caterpillar brand which has an IP68 rating - this rating means that the product is completely protected from dust and water and the manufacturer In fact, it encourages consumers to wash and clean their phones under running water.

Beginning in 2021, the Cat C42 will also have an additional layer of protection, thanks to a new technology called "Biomaster Anti-Microbial Technology", which will prevent the spread of germs.

During the development of this new anti-bacterial phone, the creation of its casing will involve silver particles in a way that will not only beautify the phone but also protect it from the spread of germs. -

Although bio master technology does not completely kill bacteria or viruses, phone maker Bullit claims that technology can reduce the number of bacteria by 80% within 15 minutes and 99.9% within 24 hours. Is.


But the company insists that the S42 be washed regularly with soap and water, even bleach, to make sure the phone stays clean.

Peter Cunningham, vice president of LITT Group, said: "This is very important for those who work within the health or social care of our customers, and for those who visit multiple sites for their work."


Note that the Cat S42 is already in the market, but this special model with Biomaster anti-microbial technology will be available early next year.
